The Coleridge Connection: Essays for Thomas McFarland


Author: Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure

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Author: Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure

Author: Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure

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A volume of essays, first published in 1990, written by a team of well-known Romanticists to celebrate the work of the great Coleridge scholar, Thomas McFarland.


Richard Gravil, Introduction and Orientation.
Part One: The Sometime Jacobin?
Ian Wylie, Coleridge and the Lunaticks;
Nicola Trott, The Coleridge Circle and the “˜Answer to Godwin”
Nicholas Roe, Coleridge and John Thelwall: the Road to Nether Stowey.
Part Two: Friend and Ventriloquist.
5 Molly Lefebure, Humphry Davy: Philosophic Alchemist;
6 Grevel Lindop, Lamb, Hazlitt and De Quincey;
7 Tim Fulford, Coleridge and J. H. Green: The Anatomy of Beauty.
Part Three: The German Connection.
8 James Engell, Coleridge and German Idealism: First Postulates, Final Causes;
9 Frederick Burwick, Coleridge and Schelling on Mimesis;
10 E. S. Shaffer, The Hermeneutic Community: Coleridge and Schleiermacher.
Part Four: The American Connection.
11 Anthony John Harding, Coleridge and Transcendentalism;
12 Jonathan Bate, Edgar Allan Poe: A Debt Repaid.
Part Five: Sage and Evangelist.
13 H. W. Piper, Coleridge and the Unitarian Consensus;
14 Robert Barth SJ, Coleridge and the Church of England;
15 John Beer, Transatlantic and Scottish Connections: Uncollected Records; Select Bibliography: Revised and Updated. Search Terms


Richard Gravil is author of Wordsworth's Bardic Vocation, 1787-1842 (2003) and editor (with Nicholas Roe and Lucy Newlyn) of Coleridge's Imagination (1985). Molly Lefebure's books include Cumbrian Heritage (1970), Samuel Taylor Coleridge: the Bondage of Opium (1974), Cumbrian Discovery (1977), Thomas Hardy's World (1997).

Poems of William Wordsworth, The: Collected Reading Texts from The Cornell Wordsworth, Volume III
The Fenwick Notes of William Wordsworth Author
Wordsworth's Political Writings
D. H. Lawrence: Poet
The British Periodical Text, 1797-1835

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