Romantic Dialogues: Anglo-American Continuities, 1776-1862
Romantic Dialogues, first published in 2000, contributed to the modern recovery of a transatlantic dimension in literary studies.

Blake’s Humanism
An audiobook study of the social, political and literary thought underlying Blake's Songs and the Prophetic Books, culminating in Milton.

D H Lawrence: Selected Short Stories
This Audiobook provides a stimulating and carefully structured introduction to Lawrence's short stories. It guides the reader to a deeper critical understanding of individual stories, but it also provides model commentaries on several of their most prominent narrative techniques.

Metaethics Explored
The audiobook explains and discusses some key approaches in metaethics, and suggests that an account which is naturalist and objectivist might have more to commend it than is popularly allowed.

The Philosophy of Humour
Comic novelist and critic Paul McDonald explores the philosophy of humour in a audiobook that will appeal to both philosophers and creative writers alike.

Vladimir Nabokov: 'Lolita'
From its first publication in 1955 Nabokov's Lolita has been denounced as immoral filth, hailed as a moral masterpiece, and both praised and damned for stylistic excess. In this fresh appraisal John Lennard provides convenient overviews of Nabokov's life and of the novel (including both Kubrick's and Lyne's film-adaptations), before considering Lolita as pornography, as lepidoptery, as film noir, and as parody.

Methodism and Society
The aim of this study is to set Methodism in its historical context - theological, social and political. It examines the intellectual and ecclesiastical climate in which Methodism grew up, throws light on the motivation of John Wesley himself and illustrates the social impact of the movement under his leadership - and after his death.

Thinking Ethically in Business
This book explores connecting avenues of professional responsibility, management theory and traditional ethics, and encourages an understanding of the reasons for thinking ethically in business contexts.

Portuguese American Literature
This audiobook is the first in a new series of monographs entitled Contemporary American Literature.

A Guide to William Shakespeare: 'Richard III'
Provides a basis for informed discussion of Richard III, one of Shakespeare’s most beautifully crafted plays, and the issues it raises – which are as ominously relevant to politics and people now as they were when it was new.

William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury
Our top-selling Study Guide is intended both for first-time readers of The Sound and the Fury and—since it offers new scholarship and critical argument on Faulkner—for established critics and scholars.

Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
Contents: What is the Philosophy of Religion?Three Competing Paradigms in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Deductivism (Neo-Thomism, Analytic Philosophy, Analytic Atheism and the Meaningfulness of Religious Language, Atheistic Deductivism). Inductivism (Mitchell's Inductivist Proposal, Swinburne's Bayesian Theism, Swinburne on the Prior Probability of Theism, Swinburne's Positive Case for Theism, Swinburne's Theodicy, the Future of Inductivism. Post-Deductivism (Deductivism and the Ethics of Belief, The Post-Deductivists on Evil, Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology, Plantinga and Wolterstorff: Christian Philosophy). Recent Work on the Traditional Arguments for God's Existence.

Ted Hughes: 'New Selected Poems'
A brilliant new study guide to perhaps the finest English poet of the 20th Century, by a distinguished critic and scholar.

Reading Octavia E Butler: Xenogenesis
The audiobooks covers Octavia Butler's life and work; the background and structure of the trilogy; (Black) SF in relation to race and gender; the tradition of dystopias; and the work in genetics that is central to the plot

William Shakespeare: The Tempest
This audiobook study guide gives students the basis for an informed discussion of Shakespeare's magical play and to explore what would have been possible reactions to it when it was new.

Henrik Ibsen: A Dolls House
Stephen Siddall's study guide to one of Ibsen's most innovative and explosive plays.
This study guide to A Doll's House places it firmly in the context of nineteenth century European theatre, “˜novelty theatre”, and the society of Norway of its time.

For Love and Money: The Literary Art of the Harlequin Mills & Boon Romance
A compelling study of how Mills & Boon romances adapt the forms and metaphors of canonical literature to romance purposes.

William Shakespeare: Richard II
Professor Hattaway's study places Richard II within the contexts of Shakespeare's life and of the strenuous political debates that were taking place at the end of the reign of Elizabeth I.

Of Sex and Faerie: Further Essays on Genre Fiction
Taking up where the author's book Of Modern Dragons (2007) left off, these essays continue Lennard's investigation of the praxis of serial reading and the best genre fiction of recent decades, including work by Bill James, Walter Mosley, Lois Mcmaster Bujold, and Ursula K. Le Guin. There are groundbreaking studies of contemporary paranormal romance, and of Hornblower's transition to space, while the final essay deals with the phenomenon and explosive growth of fanfiction, and with the increasingly empowered status of the reader in a digital world. There is an extensive bibliography of genre and critical work.

Walter Mosley, Devil in a Blue Dress
The notes in this audiobook provide an overview of Mosley's career and the series, give historical and literary backgrounds to the novel (including Chandler, Himes, Pinkerton Men and Private Eyes, Hollywood's Gumshoes, and the 'GI Bill'), and consider the film adaptation of Devil. Chapter by chapter Annotations detail allusions, slang, musical references, flora and fauna, and fashion, while disentangling Mosley's real and fictive Los Angeles.