The British Periodical Text, 1797-1835
This collaborative audiobook derives from the 2006 Bristol University Conference on periodicals culture in the Romantic era.

A Guide to William Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida
Treats Troilus and Cressida as a masterpiece in tune with 20th Century attitudes to love and war, and with literary and dramatic forms which developed through the last century.

Gerard Manley Hopkins: Selected Poems
The thoroughly insightful and engaging study guide offers a detailed commentary on the poetry of Hopkins, exploring the significance of contemporary cultural issues and the poet's life as Catholic convert and Jesuit priest.

Reading Dickens's Bleak House
A Literature Insight on one of the supreme achievements of Victorian fiction, stressing the experimentalism of the dual narrative and its liberal feminist implications.

Coleridge the Visionary
Now a critical classic, Coleridge the Visionary was first published in 1959 by Chatto & Windus. This much-cited book throws light on the intellectual organisation of Coleridge's poetry and the imaginative qualities implicit in his philosophy.

The Subject of Politics Slavoj Žižek’s Political Philosophy
“The Subject of Politics” provides a new study of Slavoj Zizek's political philosophy. Focusing on the combination of psychoanalytic theory and philosophy, the book offers an overview of Zizek's analysis of contemporary society.

Adorno: A Critical Guide
A critical guide to Adorno's books on Aesthetic Theory, The Culture Industry, Negative Dialectics and Philosophy of New Music.

Paul Scott: The Raj Quartet and Staying On
A historically informed and informing audio study guide to Scott's four great novels of British India -The Jewel in the Crown, The Day of the Scorpion, The Towers of Silence, A Division of the Spoils - and of the popular coda, Staying On.

A guide to: Ian McDonald: Chaga / Evolutions Shore
Ian McDonald is a major SF writer, whose River of Gods (2004) won the British Science Fiction Association award for Best Novel, and was shortlisted for the corresponding Hugo, Arthur C. Clarke, and British Fantasy Society awards.

History at the End of the World? History Climate Change and the Possibility of Closure
A collection of audible essays from Rescue! History, a group of historians concerned with the challenge of climate change - how we got here and where we go next.

Wordsworth's Bardic Vocation, 1787-1842
From 1787 to 1842, Wordsworth is preoccupied with the themes of loss and death, and with "natural piety" in the lives of people and nations. Beginning with his consciousness of the Bards and Druids of Cumbria, this book treats Wordsworth's oeuvre, including the "Gothic" juvenilia, The Ruined Cottage, Lyrical Ballads, Poems in Two Volumes, The Excursion, and the Poems of 1842, as unified by a Bardic vocation, to bind "the living and the dead" and to nurture "the kind".

Reading Thomas Hardy: Selected Poems
Thomas Hardy is unique in English literature as a major novelist who is also a major poet. His collected poetry is among the most distinctive bodies of verse in the language, and includes such pinnacles of the lyric tradition as ‘The Darkling Thrush’ and the series of haunted love-elegies written in memory of his first wife Emma and such instantly recognizable titles as ‘Drummer Hodge’, ‘A Trampwoman’s Tragedy’, ‘Convergence of the Twain’. It is also among the most controversial.

Joseph Conrad: 'The Secret Agent'
This critical and contextual study guide by a very distinguished critic of Modernist literature sheds new light on Conrad's topical novel of espionage and terrorism.

Modernism, History and the First World War
A ground-breaking cultural history of Modernism and the First World War covering well-known fiction and soldiers' memoirs.

Landscapes of Language: Richard Brautigan's Fiction
Dr. John Tanner analyses Brautigan’s fiction against the background of the cultural and literary upheavals from which it emerged and demonstrates that Brautigan is no mere Sixties curio but an innovative and vibrant American voice ignored for far too long.

Critical Thinking and Informal Logic
This Audiobook will familiarize the reader with the basics of critical thinking and informal logic - deductive and inductive arguments, form and content, fallacies, and complex arguments.

The British Empire, Pomp, Power and Postcolonialism
This study guide to Imperialism by one of our most prolific historians offers a concise overview of Britain's role in Colonialism, the slavery issue, the British Raj and the scramble for Africa, and probes the motives for empire and continuing issues of post-colonialism.

Shakespeare: King Lear A Guide to the Play
This audiobook aims to introduce students (including those with little or no prior experience of the field) to the worlds of Shakespeare and his theatre revealed in King Lear.

Reading William Faulkner: 'Go Down, Moses' & 'Big Woods'
Faulkner is notoriously a 'difficult' writer to study. This introductory study begins with three chapters clearly setting out the important facts of his life, mapping the people and history of his recurrent fictional setting, Yoknapatawpha County, and analysing the oddities and problems of his prose style.