British Romantic Columbiads


Symbiosis 2.1 1-23
Author: Fiona Robertson
Pages: 23

Fiona Robertson examines British Romantic period poems that recount the story of European exploration and colonisation, focusing on works that tell the tale of Columbus and his voyages. The essay discusses the narrative strategies and political implications of these poems, highlighting how they reflect and critique the colonial aspirations and historical perspectives of the time. Robertson delves into the ways these works depict Columbus as a complex figure, both hero and symbol of colonial exploitation.

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Symbiosis 2.1 1-23
Author: Fiona Robertson
Pages: 23

Fiona Robertson examines British Romantic period poems that recount the story of European exploration and colonisation, focusing on works that tell the tale of Columbus and his voyages. The essay discusses the narrative strategies and political implications of these poems, highlighting how they reflect and critique the colonial aspirations and historical perspectives of the time. Robertson delves into the ways these works depict Columbus as a complex figure, both hero and symbol of colonial exploitation.

Symbiosis 2.1 1-23
Author: Fiona Robertson
Pages: 23

Fiona Robertson examines British Romantic period poems that recount the story of European exploration and colonisation, focusing on works that tell the tale of Columbus and his voyages. The essay discusses the narrative strategies and political implications of these poems, highlighting how they reflect and critique the colonial aspirations and historical perspectives of the time. Robertson delves into the ways these works depict Columbus as a complex figure, both hero and symbol of colonial exploitation.

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Essay Excerpt

"Columbus’s achievements may be regarded either as triumphant fulfilments of an intellectual pattern or as accidents which more closely resemble disruptions in the narrative scheme."

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