Critical Thinking and Informal Logic


Author: Timothy A Crews-Anderson
ISBN 978-1-84760-046-2
97 pages

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Author: Timothy A Crews-Anderson
ISBN 978-1-84760-046-2
97 pages

Author: Timothy A Crews-Anderson
ISBN 978-1-84760-046-2
97 pages

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This study guide will familiarize the reader with the basics of critical thinking and informal logic — deductive and inductive arguments, form and content, fallacies, and complex arguments.


Following a brief introduction, Chapter 1 outlines the basic concepts and principles of informal logic. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on deductive and inductive reasoning (analogical and statistical) and include a discussion of validity, soundness and cogency. Chapter 4 presents rhetorical devices and informal fallacies. Chapter 5 discusses strategies and tactics for the evaluation of complex argumentation. Chapter 6 provides an overview that includes a guide to good critical thinking habits, a discussion of the composition and development of argumentative essays, and an introduction to information literacy. Appendices include a synopsis of categorical logic and resources for additional study. The book includes diagrams and external hyperlinks.

About the author

Tim Crews-Anderson, took his BA at the Florida State University and his MA at Georgia State University, where he also taught as a Visiting Instructor. He is currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

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