D. H. Lawrence: 'Women in Love'


Author: Neil Roberts
ISBN 978-1-84760-019-6
74 pages

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Author: Neil Roberts
ISBN 978-1-84760-019-6
74 pages

Author: Neil Roberts
ISBN 978-1-84760-019-6
74 pages

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This study guide introduces what is generally considered Lawrence's greatest novel, and some readers, the greatest English novel of the twentieth century.


Part 1: The context of Women in Love. General Introduction; Lawrence's early life and work; The composition of Women in LoveWomen in Love and the First World War; People, Places and Libel Threats; Sexuality; Class.

Part 2: Artistic Influences and Strategies. Tradition and Experiment; Thomas Hardy and the Russian Novel; “˜You mustn’t look in my novel for the old stable ego of the character” Modernist movements: Futurism, Imagism, Expressionism; Morality and the Novel.

Part 3: Reading Women in Love.

Part 4: Reception.

Part 5: Bibliography

About the author

Neil Roberts studied English at the University of Cambridge where he took an MA and PhD. Since 1970 he has taught at the University of Sheffield, where he is Professor of English Literature. He is the author of George Eliot: Her Beliefs and Her Art (Elek, 1975), Ted Hughes: A Critical Study (with Terry Gifford, Faber, 1981), The Lover, the Dreamer and the World: the Poetry of Peter Redgrove (Sheffield Academic Press, 1994), Meredith and the Novel (Macmillan, 1997), Narrative and Voice in Postwar Poetry (Longman, 1999), D. H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference (Palgrave, 2004) and Ted Hughes: A Literary Life (Palgrave, 2006), and editor of A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry (Blackwell, 2001).

D. H. Lawrence: 'Sons and Lovers'
Reading Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Henrik Ibsen: A Dolls House
Shakespeare: 'Hamlet' and 'King Lear'

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