Charles Tomlinson’s American Voices


Author: Richard Swigg

Number of Pages: 20

An in-depth analysis of Charles Tomlinson’s poetry from The Necklace (1955) to The Vineyard Above the Sea (1999), focusing on his dialogue with American literature. Richard Swigg explores Tomlinson’s adaptation of American verse forms and his engagement with American voices, highlighting the transatlantic influences that shaped his work.

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Author: Richard Swigg

Number of Pages: 20

An in-depth analysis of Charles Tomlinson’s poetry from The Necklace (1955) to The Vineyard Above the Sea (1999), focusing on his dialogue with American literature. Richard Swigg explores Tomlinson’s adaptation of American verse forms and his engagement with American voices, highlighting the transatlantic influences that shaped his work.

Author: Richard Swigg

Number of Pages: 20

An in-depth analysis of Charles Tomlinson’s poetry from The Necklace (1955) to The Vineyard Above the Sea (1999), focusing on his dialogue with American literature. Richard Swigg explores Tomlinson’s adaptation of American verse forms and his engagement with American voices, highlighting the transatlantic influences that shaped his work.

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