Francis Jeffrey's Highland and Continental Tours


Author: Pamela Perkins
ISBN: 9781847601032

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Author: Pamela Perkins
ISBN: 9781847601032

Author: Pamela Perkins
ISBN: 9781847601032

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These previously unpublished tour diaries by one of the most influential journalists of the Romantic era make a major contribution to travel writing and offer a fascinating glimpse into a complex sensibility.

Notorious for his sustained critical attacks on Wordsworth and the 'Lakers', Francis Jeffrey is revealed in these tour diaries as a man thoroughly at one with many aspects of the Romantic era, and in particular with the first generation's love of highland scenery, and the second generation's fascination with continental travel.

The work contains transcriptions from manuscript of Jeffrey's Highland Tour of 1800, and his Continental Tour of 1823. The Editor has contributed an Introduction on 'Francis Jeffrey and Travel: Landscape, Taste and Aesthetics', and an account of Jeffrey's Continental Itinerary.


Pamela Perkins teaches eighteenth-century and Romantic literature at the University of Manitoba. She has edited Robert Bage's Hermsprong and Elizabeth Hamilton's Translations of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah for Broadview Press, and Elizabeth Hamilton's Cottagers of Glenburnie for the Association of Scottish Literary Studies.

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