Irish Legislative Independence and the Politics of Staging Indians in the 1790s Symbiosis 5.1 1-16


Author: Astrid Wind

Pages: 18

This essay explores the connections between Irish legislative independence and the political representation of American Indians in the 1790s. Astrid Wind examines how analogies between the Irish and American Indians were used in political speeches and literature to discuss colonialism and independence. The essay highlights the interplay between Irish and American colonial narratives and their impact on political thought.

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Author: Astrid Wind

Pages: 18

This essay explores the connections between Irish legislative independence and the political representation of American Indians in the 1790s. Astrid Wind examines how analogies between the Irish and American Indians were used in political speeches and literature to discuss colonialism and independence. The essay highlights the interplay between Irish and American colonial narratives and their impact on political thought.

Author: Astrid Wind

Pages: 18

This essay explores the connections between Irish legislative independence and the political representation of American Indians in the 1790s. Astrid Wind examines how analogies between the Irish and American Indians were used in political speeches and literature to discuss colonialism and independence. The essay highlights the interplay between Irish and American colonial narratives and their impact on political thought.

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Charles Tomlinson's American Voices
British Romantic Columbiads
Liberties with Lamia: the "Gordian Knot" of relations between Keats and Hawthorne Symbiosis 2.1 141-160
To Love or Not to Love? Jack London and Anna Strunsky's The Kempton-Wace Letters Symbiosis 1.2 255-75

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