Poems of William Wordsworth, The: Collected Reading Texts from The Cornell Wordsworth, Volume I


Publication Date: 22/01/2009
Author: William Wordsworth
Editor: Jared Curtis
PDF ISBN 9781847600851
Paperback ISBN 9781847600899
Pages 784

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Publication Date: 22/01/2009
Author: William Wordsworth
Editor: Jared Curtis
PDF ISBN 9781847600851
Paperback ISBN 9781847600899
Pages 784

Publication Date: 22/01/2009
Author: William Wordsworth
Editor: Jared Curtis
PDF ISBN 9781847600851
Paperback ISBN 9781847600899
Pages 784

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Here is the poetry in the form the poet gave it when first completed, either in its manuscript state or in a published book. Each volume includes Wordsworth's own notes published with his poems during his lifetime and a few editorial explanations where appropriate.

The first volume includes his earliest work, composed while a school boy and during and after his time at university, Adventures on Salisbury PlainThe Borderers, the two-part PreludeThe Ruined Cottage, and Home at Grasmere, along with his publications between 1797 and 1807, namely An Evening WalkDescriptive SketchesLyrical BalladsPeter Bell, andPoems, in Two Volumes.

the editor

Jared Curtis, Professor Emeritus of English at Simon Fraser University, is the editor of "Poems, in Two Volumes" and Other Poems, 1800-1807Last Poems, 1821-1850, and co-editor with Carol Landon of Early Poems and Fragments, 1785-1797, all in the Cornell Wordsworth. He is the editor of William Wordsworth's Fenwick Notes and The Cornell Wordsworth: A Supplement, both published by Humanities Ebooks. He is also the Coordinating Editor of the Cornell series of editions of Yeats' manuscripts and is the editor of two plays, The Land of Heart's Desire and Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus, and a co-editor with Richard J. Finneran and Ann Saddlemyer of The Tower (1928), all in the Cornell Yeats.

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Poems of William Wordsworth, The: Collected Reading Texts from The Cornell Wordsworth, Volume II
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Poems of William Wordsworth, The: Collected Reading Texts from The Cornell Wordsworth, Volume III

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