Master Narratives: Tellers and Telling in the English Novel


Author: Richard Gravil
ISBN 9781847600073

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Author: Richard Gravil
ISBN 9781847600073

Author: Richard Gravil
ISBN 9781847600073

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A Collection of Essays exploring the way in which some of the major novels in the 'long' nineteenth century engaged with society's 'master narratives'.


Authors whose works are discussed in this collaborative book, covering a 'long' nineteenth century, include Sterne, Fielding, Scott, Austen, Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, Gaskell, Dickens, George Eliot, Conrad, Woolf, and Lawrence. Most of the chapters focus on a single work, among them Tristram Shandy, Wuthering Heights, Bleak House, Middlemarch and Lord Jim, asking why, in the end, does this novel matter, and what does it invite us to 'see'. The contributors examine aspects of narrative technique which are crucial to interpretation, and which bring something new or distinctive into fiction. The introduction asks whether such experimentation may be driven by challenges to society's 'master narratives' - for instance, by a desire to circumvent the reader's ideological defences - and whether, in a radical model of canon-formation, such narrative innovation may be an aspect of canonicity.


Richard Gravil was Secretary of the Wordsworth Conference Foundation and Director of the Summer Conference 2007-2010, and of the Wordsworth Winter School. He wrote Romantic Dialogues: Anglo-American Continuities, 1776-1862 (2000), of Wordsworth's Bardic Vocation, 1787-1842 (2003), and of Wordsworth and Helen Maria Williams; or, the Perils of Sensibility (2010). He edited or co-edited nine books, including collections of essays on Coleridge, Swift, Wordsworth, Anglo-American Poetry and Nineteenth Century Fiction.

Grasmere 2009: Selected papers from the Wordsworth Summer Conference
Middlemarch and the "home epic"
The Coleridge Connection: Introduction and Orientation
Grasmere 2010
Humphry Davy: Philosophic Alchemist

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