Reading Dickens's Bleak House


Author: Richard Gravil
ISBN 9781847602169
129 pages

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Author: Richard Gravil
ISBN 9781847602169
129 pages

Author: Richard Gravil
ISBN 9781847602169
129 pages


A Literature Insight on one of the supreme achievements of Victorian fiction, stressing the experimentalism of the dual narrative and its liberal feminist implications.

This work begins with a general introduction to Dickens in the context of his times, stressing the public themes of the novel and the experimental aspects of its technique. It looks at such characters as Sir Leicester and Lady Dedlcok, Harold Skimpole, Inspector Bucket, Chadband, Mrs Jellyby, Miss Flite, Tulkinghorn, Krook, the Smallweed family, Richard Carstone and Ada Clare (the Wards in Jarndyce) and aspects of Dickens's characterisation. It discusses the pleasures of serial reading; gives a detailed analysis of several key passages; explores Dickens's craft and the status of this novel as an experimental fiction; considers how Dickens related to 'the woman question', and the importance of Esther Summerson in this connection, and concludes with a survey of critical reception of what may be Dickens's greatest novel. 

About the author

Richard Gravil was the author of three monographs, Romantic Dialogues: Anglo-American Continuities, 1776–1862 (St Martin’s Press, 2000), Wordsworth’s Bardic Vocation 1787–1842 (Palgrave, 2003), and Wordsworth and Helen Maria Williams; or, the Perils of Sensibility (Humanities-Ebooks, 2008), and of Literature Insights on Elizabeth Gaskell: Mary Barton and Wordsworth: Lyrical Ballads.

He edited or co-edited Master Narratives: Tellers and Telling in the English Novel (Ashgate, 2001), collections of essays on Swift and Wordsworth, and two such collections on Coleridge, Coleridge’s Imagination (with Nicholas Roe and Lucy Newlyn, 1985) and The Coleridge Connection (with Molly Lefebure, 1990). He editedThe Oxford Handbook of William Wordsworth with Daniel Robinson.

He was the Commissioning Editor of Humanities-Ebooks, LLP; Chairman of the Wordsworth Conference Foundation (a charitable company), and Director of the Wordsworth Winter School.

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