Redeeming Captivity: the Negative Revolution of Blake's Visions of the Daughters of Albion Symbiosis 1.1 21-34


Author: David Blake

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Author: David Blake

Author: David Blake

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Redeeming Captivity: The Negative Revolution of Blake’s ‘Visions of the Daughters of Albion’ by David Blake and Elliott Gruner is an insightful scholarly essay that explores the complex themes of bondage, liberation, and revolutionary vision in William Blake's Visions of the Daughters of Albion. Originally published in Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this micro-ebook examines how Blake uses the captivity narrative to critique societal oppression and propose radical ideas about freedom and identity. The authors analyze the interplay between physical captivity and mental enlightenment, revealing the poem's relevance to both historical and contemporary contexts. This essay is essential for literature students, scholars, and anyone interested in Blake, captivity narratives, and revolutionary literature.

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