Shakespeare: 'Hamlet' and 'King Lear'


Author: John Lennard
ISBN 9781847600288

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Author: John Lennard
ISBN 9781847600288

Author: John Lennard
ISBN 9781847600288

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A Double Insight containing John Lennard's Insights on Hamlet and King Lear

About the author

Born and raised in Bristol, UK, John Lennard took a B.A. and D.Phil. at New College, Oxford, and an M.A. at Washington University in St Louis. He has taught for the Universities of London, Cambridge, and Notre Dame, the Open University, and Fairleigh Dickinson University on-line; he was from 2004–09 Professor of British and American Literature at the University of the West Indies—Mona. His publications include But I Digress: The Exploitation of Parentheses in English Printed Verse (Clarendon Press, 1991), The Poetry Handbook (OUP, 1996; 2/e 2005), with Mary Luckhurst The Drama Handbook (OUP, 2002), Of Modern Dragons and other essays on Genre Fiction (HEB, 2007; Troubador 2008), and Of Sex and Faerie: Further Essays on Genre Fiction (HEB/Troubador, 2010). He is General Editor of HEB’s Genre Fiction Sightlines and Monographs series, for which he has written on Reginald Hill, Walter Mosley, Octavia E. Butler, Ian McDonald, and Tamora Pierce. For Literature Insights he has also written on Hamlet, Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, and Paul Scott’s Raj Quartet & Staying On.

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Reading Toni Morrison's Beloved
Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d'Urbervilles
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Adorno: a Critical Guide

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