The Beautiful and True and Good: Culture, Race, and Nation in The People of the Abyss Symbiosis 3.2 131-142


Author: Christopher Gair

Number of Pages: 22

This essay explores Jack London's The People of the Abyss, focusing on the cultural, racial, and national themes within the text. Christopher Gair examines London's portrayal of the East End of London and its inhabitants, contrasting it with American ideals. The essay provides a critical analysis of the socio-political implications and the racialised rhetoric present in London's narrative.

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Author: Christopher Gair

Number of Pages: 22

This essay explores Jack London's The People of the Abyss, focusing on the cultural, racial, and national themes within the text. Christopher Gair examines London's portrayal of the East End of London and its inhabitants, contrasting it with American ideals. The essay provides a critical analysis of the socio-political implications and the racialised rhetoric present in London's narrative.

Author: Christopher Gair

Number of Pages: 22

This essay explores Jack London's The People of the Abyss, focusing on the cultural, racial, and national themes within the text. Christopher Gair examines London's portrayal of the East End of London and its inhabitants, contrasting it with American ideals. The essay provides a critical analysis of the socio-political implications and the racialised rhetoric present in London's narrative.

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Looking Good: Neutralizing the Desiring (Black Male) Gaze in Alice Walker's Meridian
Solidarity Through Difference: Rushdie's Anti-Example in The Jaguar Smile
Work Unbartered: Labour and Time in Pounds Cantos of the late 1930s Symbiosis 1.2 159-172
Cross-Cultural Confessions: America Passes Judgement on Thomas De Quincey Symbiosis 3.2 (October 1999) 119-130
No Other Island in the World: Mansfield Park, North America and Post-Imperial Malaise

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