The Cornell Wordsworth: A Supplement


Author: Jared Curtis


Author: Jared Curtis

Author: Jared Curtis

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This essential companion to the 21 Volumes of the Cornell Wordsworth has been described as 'indispensable for the serious Wordsworth scholar'

Wordsworth's The Excursion (1814), published in 2007, was the twenty-first and final volume of the Cornell Wordsworth. Each volume in the series is complete in itself, but no volume supplied tools useful to anyone studying two or more volumes.

In this supplementary volume, designed to match your Cornell Wordsworth collection, and updated in September 2011, the reader will find:

1. a unified index to titles and first lines for the entire series
2. a guide to the hundreds of manuscripts treated in the twenty-one volumes
3. a comprehensive list of the contents of Wordsworth's many lifetime editions
4. appendices containing information had been omitted from previous volumes
5. a list of errata for several volumes in the series.


Jared Curtis, Professor Emeritus of English at Simon Fraser University, is the editor of "Poems, in Two Volumes" and Other Poems, 1800-1807Last Poems, 1821-1850, and co-editor with Carol Landon of Early Poems and Fragments, 1785-1797, all in the Cornell Wordsworth. He is the editor of William Wordsworth's Fenwick Notes and The Poems of William Wordsworth: The Collected Reading Texts from the Cornell Wordsworth (in 3 vols.), all published by Humanities Ebooks. He is also the Coordinating Editor of the Cornell series of editions of Yeats' manuscripts and is the editor of two plays, The Land of Heart's Desire and Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus, and a co-editor with Richard J. Finneran and Ann Saddlemyer of The Tower (1928), all in the Cornell Yeats.

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