The Hermeneutic Community: Coleridge and Schleiermacher


Author: E. S. Shaffer
31 Pages

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Author: E. S. Shaffer
31 Pages

Author: E. S. Shaffer
31 Pages

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In "The Hermeneutic Community: Coleridge and Schleiermacher," E. S. Shaffer explores the underexamined relationship between Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Friedrich Schleiermacher, two pivotal figures in the development of modern hermeneutics. This essay delves into their contributions to the formulation of a general hermeneutics that extends beyond biblical interpretation to encompass all forms of literature and human expression. Shaffer examines how both thinkers addressed the challenge of understanding texts within their historical and cultural contexts, emphasizing the role of imagination and the communal nature of interpretation. This scholarly work is essential for those interested in Romantic literature, hermeneutics, and the philosophical intersections between Coleridge and Schleiermacher.

About the author

Mathilda: who knew too much
The Androgyny of Bleak House
Coleridge and J.H. Green: the Anatomy of Beauty
Coleridge and the Lunaticks
How pleasant to meet Mr Fielding: the Narrator as Hero in Tom Jones

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Serving Academics

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