The Note / Notion of Europe: Henry James and the Gendered Landscape of Heritage Tourism Symbiosis 2.2 225-240


Author: Deborah L. Parsons

Number of Pages: 21

This essay delves into Henry James's exploration of the "European question" through the lens of heritage tourism. Deborah L. Parsons examines how James's characters navigate the cultural landscapes of Europe, revealing gendered and class-based dynamics in their experiences. The analysis highlights the complexities of cultural heritage, tourism, and identity in James's works, particularly in relation to the American perception of Europe.

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Author: Deborah L. Parsons

Number of Pages: 21

This essay delves into Henry James's exploration of the "European question" through the lens of heritage tourism. Deborah L. Parsons examines how James's characters navigate the cultural landscapes of Europe, revealing gendered and class-based dynamics in their experiences. The analysis highlights the complexities of cultural heritage, tourism, and identity in James's works, particularly in relation to the American perception of Europe.

Author: Deborah L. Parsons

Number of Pages: 21

This essay delves into Henry James's exploration of the "European question" through the lens of heritage tourism. Deborah L. Parsons examines how James's characters navigate the cultural landscapes of Europe, revealing gendered and class-based dynamics in their experiences. The analysis highlights the complexities of cultural heritage, tourism, and identity in James's works, particularly in relation to the American perception of Europe.

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