The Risorgimento: Italy 1815-71


Author: Tim Chapman
ISBN 9781847600622
88 pages

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Author: Tim Chapman
ISBN 9781847600622
88 pages

Author: Tim Chapman
ISBN 9781847600622
88 pages

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This exemplary study guide traces the emergence of Italy from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 through the Risorgimento to unification by 1871.


The author traces the emergence of Italy from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 through the Risorgimento to unification by 1871. Initially, only a tiny elite was interested in change as secret societies and activists tried to overthrow rulers who were supported by the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich. In the 1850s, under the leadership of Piedmont and Cavour French help was secured for a war against Austria to create a north Italian kingdom. The process was largely completed by Garibaldi in 1860.

This study guide brings together the latest research for students of the period in a readable and accessible manner and provides analyses of the major issues.

About the author

Tim Chapman is the author of The Congress of Vienna (1998) and Imperial Russia (2001) as well as numerous articles for History magazines. He teaches at Wisbech Grammar School in Cambridgeshire.

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