"An Extraordinary Species of Tyranny": Fanny Trollope Domestic Manners of the Americans Symbiosis 5.1 17-32


Author: Tim Worth

Pages: 16

This essay explores Fanny Trollope’s critical observations in her book Domestic Manners of the Americans. Tim Worth analyses how Trollope’s experiences and interactions during her stay in America shaped her negative views on American society, culture, and politics. The essay examines the underlying reasons for Trollope’s criticisms and the impact her work had on transatlantic literary relations and public perceptions.

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Author: Tim Worth

Pages: 16

This essay explores Fanny Trollope’s critical observations in her book Domestic Manners of the Americans. Tim Worth analyses how Trollope’s experiences and interactions during her stay in America shaped her negative views on American society, culture, and politics. The essay examines the underlying reasons for Trollope’s criticisms and the impact her work had on transatlantic literary relations and public perceptions.

Author: Tim Worth

Pages: 16

This essay explores Fanny Trollope’s critical observations in her book Domestic Manners of the Americans. Tim Worth analyses how Trollope’s experiences and interactions during her stay in America shaped her negative views on American society, culture, and politics. The essay examines the underlying reasons for Trollope’s criticisms and the impact her work had on transatlantic literary relations and public perceptions.

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Charles Tomlinson’s American Voices

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