H. P. Lovecraft and the Shadow of England


Symbiosis 11.1 89-104
Author: David Simmons
Pages: 16

'H. P. Lovecraft and the Shadow of England' by David Simmons, explores the profound influence of English culture on the American writer H. P. Lovecraft. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay examines how Lovecraft’s Anglophilia is reflected in his fiction, poetry, and personal correspondence. Simmons provides an in-depth analysis of Lovecraft's literary techniques, his use of English settings and characters, and his ideological leanings. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in Lovecraft studies, literary criticism, and transatlantic cultural influences.

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Symbiosis 11.1 89-104
Author: David Simmons
Pages: 16

'H. P. Lovecraft and the Shadow of England' by David Simmons, explores the profound influence of English culture on the American writer H. P. Lovecraft. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay examines how Lovecraft’s Anglophilia is reflected in his fiction, poetry, and personal correspondence. Simmons provides an in-depth analysis of Lovecraft's literary techniques, his use of English settings and characters, and his ideological leanings. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in Lovecraft studies, literary criticism, and transatlantic cultural influences.

Symbiosis 11.1 89-104
Author: David Simmons
Pages: 16

'H. P. Lovecraft and the Shadow of England' by David Simmons, explores the profound influence of English culture on the American writer H. P. Lovecraft. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay examines how Lovecraft’s Anglophilia is reflected in his fiction, poetry, and personal correspondence. Simmons provides an in-depth analysis of Lovecraft's literary techniques, his use of English settings and characters, and his ideological leanings. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in Lovecraft studies, literary criticism, and transatlantic cultural influences.

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Essay Excerpt

"The Anglophile nature of the American writer H. P. Lovecraft is well known in Lovecraftian circles, the writer once remarking in a 1927 letter: ‘If I could create an ideal world, it would be an England with the fire of the Elizabethans, the correct taste of the Georgians, and the refinement and pure ideals of the Victorians.’ However, while Lovecraft’s penchant for all things English is ostensibly and perhaps somewhat superficially accepted by such scholars, there has been relatively little academic work undertaken concerned directly with the writer’s potential integration of this affinity for anything English into his fiction."

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