Analytic Philosophy of Religion: Its History since 1955


Author: Steven Duncan
ISBN 9781847600431
220 Pages


Author: Steven Duncan
ISBN 9781847600431
220 Pages

Author: Steven Duncan
ISBN 9781847600431
220 Pages

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This book is a reconstruction and interpretation of the development of analytic philosophy of religion in Britain and the United States, with special reference to the debate over the existence of God and the problem of evil, during the last fifty years.


This book is a reconstruction and interpretation of the development of analytic philosophy of religion in Britain and the United States, with special reference to the debate over the existence of God and the problem of evil, during the last fifty years. It discusses Theism and Atheism; Neo-Thomism; The Problem of Religious Language; The Argument from Evil and the Origins of Inductivism; The Inductivist Paradigm; The Ontological, Cosmological Argument and Teleological Arguments; Post-Deductivism; and The Philosophy of Religion Today. Steven M. Duncan's other publications include A Primer of Modern Virtue Ethics (Upa, 1995) and The Proof of the External World (Wipf and Stock, 2008). "A concise yet rigorous and substantive review of most of the important work that has been done in analytic philosophy of religion during the past half century. It should prove valuable both to the professional philosopher and the student of philosophy. This is a wonderful book!"--Professor Paul Herrick


Steven M. Duncan received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Washington in 1987 and has taught at various colleges and universities for the past thirty years; Adjunct Assistant Professor Bellevue College (Fall, 1999 – present). His other publications include; A Primer of Modern Virtue Ethics (UPA, 1995) and The Proof of the External World: Cartesian Theism and the Possibility of Knowledge (2008).

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