Beyond Boundaries: Cricket, Herman Melville, and C. L. R. James's Cold War


Symbiosis 6.2 159-178
Author: Chris Gair
Pages: 22

'Beyond Boundaries: Cricket, Herman Melville, and C. L. R. James’s Cold War' by Christopher Gair, offers an insightful analysis linking the seemingly disparate elements of British colonial sport, American literature, and Cold War politics. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay explores the transnational and interdisciplinary influences of cricket on Herman Melville's work and C. L. R. James’s critical writings during the Cold War era. Gair examines how James's involvement with cricket informed his literary and political thought, providing a unique perspective on transnational American studies. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in literary criticism, cultural studies, and the intersections of sports and politics.

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Symbiosis 6.2 159-178
Author: Chris Gair
Pages: 22

'Beyond Boundaries: Cricket, Herman Melville, and C. L. R. James’s Cold War' by Christopher Gair, offers an insightful analysis linking the seemingly disparate elements of British colonial sport, American literature, and Cold War politics. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay explores the transnational and interdisciplinary influences of cricket on Herman Melville's work and C. L. R. James’s critical writings during the Cold War era. Gair examines how James's involvement with cricket informed his literary and political thought, providing a unique perspective on transnational American studies. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in literary criticism, cultural studies, and the intersections of sports and politics.

Symbiosis 6.2 159-178
Author: Chris Gair
Pages: 22

'Beyond Boundaries: Cricket, Herman Melville, and C. L. R. James’s Cold War' by Christopher Gair, offers an insightful analysis linking the seemingly disparate elements of British colonial sport, American literature, and Cold War politics. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay explores the transnational and interdisciplinary influences of cricket on Herman Melville's work and C. L. R. James’s critical writings during the Cold War era. Gair examines how James's involvement with cricket informed his literary and political thought, providing a unique perspective on transnational American studies. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in literary criticism, cultural studies, and the intersections of sports and politics.

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Essay Excerpt

"Even at a moment when transnationalism appears to have become the new orthodoxy in American Studies, an essay linking a sport indelibly associated with British colonialism, an author at the very core of the American literary canon, and the Cold War may seem to be taking its title’s (cricket inspired) metaphorical invocation of transgression too far. What does a piece that focuses much of its attention on a cricket match played in Australia in early 1933 hold of interest for readers of a journal dedicated to Anglo-American literary relations? The game can hardly be claimed to have made a major impact on the United States’ sporting consciousness, and for many Americans serves as an exemplary reminder of the differences between British and American cultures."

Romantic Indians and Colonial Politics: the Case of Thomas Campbell Symbiosis 2.1 203-224
Dickinson and "that Foreign Lady" Symbiosis 4.1 51-65
Robert Lowell, Life Studies, and the Father Poetry of Michael Hofmann Symbiosis 5.2 173-89
"Master of Irony": Henry James, Transatlantic 'bildung' and the Critique of Aestheticism
The Beautiful and True and Good: Culture, Race, and Nation in The People of the Abyss Symbiosis 3.2 131-142

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