Fellow Pantisocrats: Brissot, Cooper and Imlay Symbiosis 1.1 35-47


Author: Stuart Andrews

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Author: Stuart Andrews

Author: Stuart Andrews

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Fellow Pantisocrats: Brissot, Cooper, and Imlay by Stuart Andrews is a scholarly exploration of the intellectual and ideological connections between three prominent figures who influenced the Pantisocracy movement conceived by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. Originally published in Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay examines the utopian ideals and transatlantic aspirations that linked the Pantisocrats with Jean-Pierre Brissot, Thomas Cooper, and Gilbert Imlay. Andrews provides a detailed analysis of their contributions to revolutionary thought, their interactions, and their shared vision of a new societal order. This micro-ebook is essential for literature students, scholars, and enthusiasts of Romantic literature, revolutionary history, and utopian studies.

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