Formal Logic


Author: Mark Jago
ISBN 9781847600417

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Author: Mark Jago
ISBN 9781847600417

Author: Mark Jago
ISBN 9781847600417

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This book introduces the techniques of formal logic in a way suitable for all students of philosophy.


Chapter 1: Logical Reasoning introduces the ideas behind formal logic.
Chapter 2: Propositional logic
Chapter 3: Entailment and Equivalence develop the language of propositional logic and its meaning.
Chapter 4: Proof Trees shows how to use the simple tree method to test whether an argument is valid.
Chapter 5: First Order Logic introduces first-order logic, including the theory of quantification, and
Chapter 6: Identity adds identity to the first-order language.
Chapter 7: Proof Trees for First Order Logic shows how to use the tree method for testing arguments in first order logic.


Mark Jago is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham. He is author of The Impossible: An Essay on Hyperintensionality (OUP 2014) and editor of Reality Making (OUP 2015). From the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University, Sydney. He wrote the Wittgenstein guide in the Philosophy Insights series and has published articles on truth, belief, logic, fiction and information.

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