Giorgio Agamben: Political Philosophy


Author: Rasmus Ugilt
ISBN 9781847603371
115 Pages

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Author: Rasmus Ugilt
ISBN 9781847603371
115 Pages

Author: Rasmus Ugilt
ISBN 9781847603371
115 Pages

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  • Introduction: Ontology as Political Theory 9 Agamben's Philosophical Method

  • Chapter 1: Potential ontology

  • Chapter 2: What is life? On Homo Sacer

  • Chapter 3: Political theology. On State of Exception

  • Chapter 4: Economic Theology. On The Kingdom and the Glory

  • Chapter 5: Messianic profanations


Rasmus Ugilt is Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark. His main research interests are classic German philosophy (Kant, Hegel, and Schelling), contemporary continental philosophy (Agamben, Badiou, Butler, Deleuze, Dolar, Žižek, Zupančič) and political and legal philosophy focusing especially on the political and legal situation that has emerged as a result of the anti-terrorism policies that dominated international politics in the first decade of the new millennium. He is the author of The Metaphysics of Terror (New York: Bloomsbury, 2012).

The Philosophy of Humour
Critical Thinking and Informal Logic
The Subject of Politics Slavoj Žižek’s Political Philosophy
Contemporary Philosophy of Religion

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