Shakespeare: Richard III and Henry IV A Guide to the Plays


Author: C W R D Moseley
212 pages

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Author: C W R D Moseley
212 pages

Author: C W R D Moseley
212 pages

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This Double Insight contains the text of Charles Moseley's Insights on three plays, 'Richard III', and 'Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2'

For full details see the separate Insights pages on Richard III and Henry IV

About the author

Charles Moseley teaches English and Classics in the University of Cambridge, and was formerly Programme Director of the University's International summer Schools in Shakespeare and English Literature. He has written extensively on Shakespeare and mediaeval literature, and is the author of Literature Insights on Richard IIIHenry IVThe Tempest and English Renaissance Drama, as well as the full length study of Shakespeare's History Plays also available from Humanities-Ebooks.

A Guide to William Shakespeare 'Richard III'
Shakespeare: 'Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2'
Shakespeare: 'Hamlet' and 'King Lear'
William Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida
A Guide to William Shakespeare: 'The Tempest'

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