The Coleridge Connection: Introduction and Orientation


Author: Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure
26 Pages

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Author: Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure
26 Pages

Author: Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure
26 Pages

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First published in *The Coleridge Connection: Essays for Thomas McFarland*, ed. Richard Gravil and Molly Lefebure, Macmillan, 1990. Extracted from the revised edition, Humanities-Ebooks, 2007.



Richard Gravil is author of Wordsworth's Bardic Vocation, 1787-1842 (2003) and editor (with Nicholas Roe and Lucy Newlyn) of Coleridge's Imagination (1985). Molly Lefebure's books include Cumbrian Heritage (1970), Samuel Taylor Coleridge: the Bondage of Opium (1974), Cumbrian Discovery (1977), Thomas Hardy's World (1997).

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