The Prose Works of William Wordsworth Volume 1


Author: W J B Owen & Jane Worthington Smyser
ISBN 9781847600028

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Author: W J B Owen & Jane Worthington Smyser
ISBN 9781847600028

Author: W J B Owen & Jane Worthington Smyser
ISBN 9781847600028

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Volume 1 of the Prose Works contains:
1. Early Prose Fragments
2. A Letter to the Bishop of Llandaff
3. Preface to The Borderers
4. Conversations with Klopstock
5. Essay on Morals
6. The Advertisement and Preface to Lyrical Ballads (parallel texts) with the Appendix on Poetic Diction
7. The Convention of Cintra


Volume 1 of The Prose Works of William Wordsworth, as edited by W J B Owen and Jane W Smyser. This is a print version of the new, searchable, navigable, electronic edition of this standard work. Compared with the original Clarendon edition, this one has two advantages: textual notes are more clearly separated and are columnized; and the existence of editorial commentary is indicated by marginal symbols in the text (in the ebook, of course, these symbols are hyperlinked to the commentary). While colour is used in the preview, as in the ebook, the print in the paperback is black and white. The Contents include Wordsworth's famous poetical manifesto, the 'Preface to Lyrical Ballads', his Jacobinical defence of political terror in 'A Letter to the Bishop of Llandaff; and an impassioned intervention in the peninsular wars, protesting at British betrayal of Portuguese and Spanish allies at the Convention of Cintra.


W. J. B. Owen's scholarly work includes his Preface to the Lyrical Ballads (1957), Wordsworth as Critic (1969), Wordsworth's Literary Criticism (1974) and his edition of The Fourteen-Book Prelude for the Cornell Wordsworth (1985). Jane Worthington Smyser is best known for her Wordsworth's Reading of Roman Prose (1946).

The Poems of William Wordsworth: Collected Reading Texts from the Cornell Wordsworth IN ONE VOLUME
Wordsworth's Thanksgiving Ode in Context
Grasmere 2013: Selected Papers from the Wordsworth Summer Conference
William Wordsworth: Lyrical Ballads (1798) with some poems of 1800
Wordsworth and Helen Maria Williams; or, the Perils of Sensibility

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